This tool finds features that are within a specified distance of features in the analysis layer. Distance can be measured as a straight-line distance, a drive-time distance (for example, within 10 minutes), or a drive distance (within 5 kilometers). Statistics are then calculated for the nearby features. For example:
If Use current map extent is checked, only the features in the analysis layer and the layer to be summarized that are visible within the current map extent will be analyzed. If unchecked, all features in both the analysis layer and the layer to be summarized will be analyzed, even if they are outside the current map extent.
Features in this layer that are within the specified distance to features in the analysis layer will be summarized.
You can define what kind of distance measurement you want to use: either straight-line distance, driving distance, or driving time. Both driving distance and driving time use the road network and honor such restrictions as one-way streets. Driving time honors your choice of travel speeds: those based on live or typical traffic. Live speeds are gathered through current sensor readings, and typical speeds are calculated from historical averages.
You can enter multiple distances. Features that are within (or equal to) the distances you enter will be summarized.
You can optionally calculate statistics of any numerical attributes of the nearby points.
The Count of points check box, if checked, will calculate the total number of nearby points. In addition, you can calculate statistics for numerical fields of the nearby points.
You can optionally calculate statistics of any numerical attributes of the nearby lines.
The Total length check box, if checked, will calculate the total length of nearby lines. In addition, you can calculate statistics for numerical fields of the nearby lines.
You can optionally calculate statistics of any numerical attributes of the nearby areas.
The Total area check box, if checked, will calculate the total area of nearby features. In addition, you can calculate statistics for numerical fields of the nearby features.
This is an attribute of the nearby features that you can use to calculate statistics separately for each unique attribute value. For example, suppose your analysis layer contains vacant land parcels for sale and your nearby features are building footprints. One of the attributes of the building footprints is UseType which contains values such as RETAIL, RESIDENTIAL, MANUFACTURING, PUBLIC, and so on. To characterize the mix of building uses near each vacant parcel, you could calculate the total area of each unique type of building use within two kilometers of the vacant parcels, using UseType as the group by attribute.
This is the name of the layer that will be created in My Contents and added to the map. The default name is based on the analysis layer name. If the layer already exists, you will be asked to confirm if you want to overwrite it.
Using the Save result in drop-down box, you can specify the name of a folder in My Contents where the result will be saved.