Help for the Chicago Zoning Map

The Chicago Zoning Map is an interactive map that allows you to search and view zoning and land-use designations.

Because zoning designations are quite specific and detailed, and because a parcel of land can have many pieces of information associated with it, all zoning information cannot be effectively displayed at a citywide or neighborhood level. The map therefore displays more details about a specific block or parcel of land the more closely you zoom the map in on it.

The map includes several tools to help you navigate and understand what is displayed.

Search By Address, PIN or Intersection (upper-left corner)

Toolbar Icons

Advanced Tools: Opens a menu of tools in the left column (see below for details)

Aerial On/Off: Toggles aerial photographic images on or off.

Clear Map: Removes all geocode and geography graphics inside map window. Clears “Identify” results and “Measure” graphics Results

Print Map: Creates a print-friendly view of the current map

Map Legend: Displays the legend for all visible icons and layers on the map.

Overview Map: Opens a window in the lower-right corner that shows where the current view is located in relation to the full city map

Toggle On/Off: Turns On/Off Default Map Layers

Help: Displays this help page.

Advanced Tools (Left Menu Options)

Additional Map Navigation Details